In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - Treatment in India

In vitro fertilization refers to a procedure where the woman's eggs are removed from her ovaries and fertilized with the man's sperm outside the body, in a laboratory. The embryos formed are then put back into the uterus to achieve a pregnancy.IVF was initially offered to patients with bilateral tubal block. Today, its indications include mild to moderate male factor, couples who are unable to conceive after first and second line procedures like ovulation induction (OI) and intra-uterine insemination (IUI), patients with endometriosis, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome who have not conceived with routine treatment and those with unexplained infertility. IVF is also the treatment option for couples requiring donor oocytes and / or surrogacy.

This depends on various factors like: age of the patient, type and duration of infertility, ovarian response, type of procedure [ fresh or vitrified embryo transfer, self or donor eggs ]. Your consultant will be able to give you a prognosis after proper evaluation. While there is no guarantee, we do our best to ensure you find happiness.

The Concept In vitro fertilization refers to a procedure where the woman's eggs are removed from her ovaries and fertilized with the man's sperm outside the body, in a laboratory. The embryos formed are then put back into the uterus to achieve a pregnancy.

Whom does it help IVF was initially offered to patients with bilateral tubal block. Today, its indications include mild to moderate male factor, couples who are unable to conceive after first and second line procedures like ovulation induction (OI) and intra-uterine insemination (IUI), patients with endometriosis, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome who have not conceived with routine treatment and those with unexplained infertility. IVF is also the treatment option for couples requiring donor oocytes and / or surrogacy.

What are the chances of success This depends on various factors like: age of the patient, type and duration of infertility, ovarian response, type of procedure [ fresh or vitrified embryo transfer, self or donor eggs ]. Your consultant will be able to give you a prognosis after proper evaluation. While there is no guarantee, we do our best to ensure you find happiness.

Vitro Fertilization

The Process

Preparatory Tests
These depend on your and your partner's age and history. These include : basic evaluation mentioned in Infertility Assessment above. In addition, we will also advise routine blood reports to check your physical fitness. Extra tests, to check hormone levels or determine ovarian reserve maybe advised as required.


  • Commencement of the Treatment
    You must come for a check up on the specified day of your menstrual cycle between 9 am to 12 pm at a Nova IVI Fertility centre.
  • Ovarian Stimulation
    Medications will be administered to stimulate the ovaries to produce several eggs in order to increase the chances of pregnancy. You could undergo one of two protocols based on your case history and reports. Your doctor will discuss this with you.
    In the Long Protocol - You will given injections from the 21st day of the previous menstrual cycle. You will need to come back on the second or third day of your next menstrual cycle to start the actual ovarian stimulation.
    The Antagonist Protocol requires fewer injections and the entire treatment begins on the second day of the menstrual cycle.
    In both protocols, injections have to be taken at approximately the same time every day. It is advisable to come to the hospital for your injections, but if you can't, our medical staff will teach you how to self-administer the injections or you can have them taken locally by a doctor. These medications can cause mild side effects like acidity and some discomfort.
  • Ultrasound Examination
    A vaginal ultrasound examination is conducted at regular intervals to assess the response of injections on your ovaries . If the response is poor, there is a possibility that your doctor might advise you to cancel the IVF cycle. This will be a joint decision between yourself and your doctor.
  • HCG Injection/GnRH Injection
    This is given to trigger the final maturation of the eggs and make them ready for collection, which happens about 34 to 36 hours later.
  • Ovum Pickup (Egg Collection)
    Eggs are removed from the ovaries under general anaesthesia, with the help of transvaginalsonography. The procedure takes 15 –30 minutes and the number of eggs collected will depend upon your response to the injections. You can go home approximately 2 to 3 hours after the procedure. Occasionally one could have some vaginal spotting and some abdominal discomfort, but this settles in a day or two.
  • Sperm Collection
    Usually, a fresh semen sample is collected on the day of ovum pick-up (egg collection). Some men find it difficult to produce a semen sample on request, so it may be collected at home/elsewhere and brought to the centre within 30 minutes of collection. Generally, to produce the best sample, abstinence of three to five days is recommended and lubricants should not be used. However, if a fresh sample cannot be produced on the same day or if the husband is not available on the day of egg collection, a previously frozen sample can also be used; in fact we encourage you to have a semen sample frozen for this eventuality.
  • After Ovum pickup
    Following ovum pick-up, the eggs will be fertilised in the lab either by standard IVF or by ICSI. On the next day, the embryologist will examine the eggs for fertilisation and later on for further development of embryos.
    If there are more than three well-developed embryos, it is possible to freeze them for a later transfer, if necessary.
  • Embryo Transfer
    This is performed two or three or five days after egg collection. The day of embryo transfer and the number of embryos to be transferred will be discussed with you. In this procedure the embryo is transferred through the cervix into the uterus via a thin, soft plastic tube guided by sonography. After the transfer, you will be given a course of medication to support the luteal phase. If there are excess good quality embryos, it is possible to freeze them for a later use.
  • Pregnancy Test
    About two weeks after the embryo transfer, you will be given a beta-HCG test to check if gestation has been achieved. If the test is positive, a vaginal ultrasound scan will be performed 1 week later to confirm the pregnancy and view the gestational sac. If the beta-HCG test is negative, further treatment will depend on whether you have frozen embryos or not.

Precautions after an IVF treatment

  • Any vigorous exercise, heavy lifting and other activities that involve jarring or potentially jarring movements ( bicycle riding, jogging, skiing, tennis etc. ) are generally discouraged. All routine day to day activities are allowed.
  • Take medications as prescribed by the treating doctor as these have been prescribed to improve your chances of achieving pregnancy. If you become pregnant you might be asked to continue some of these medications until the twelfth week of pregnancy, when the body usually starts producing enough.
  • Avoid, smoking, exposure to cigarette, alcohol, exposure to X-ray.
  • Please consult your doctor before taking any medication.

The Concept
Naturally, the fertilization process involves the penetration of a single sperm from the ejaculate into the egg (called oocyte in scientific terms) released during the menstrual cycle. Said sperm must penetrate the shell of the oocyte (called zonapellucida) to immediately after fuse with the female gamete.
Sometimes, either due to physiological deficiencies that may lead to a drastic reduction or absence in the production of gametes or due to poor gamete quality or defects in the interaction, the process of fertilization can be diminished or even prevented.
From the Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) perspective there are two main approaches to overcome these deficiencies: Conventional In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

  • Conventional IVF Approach

    The Procedure
    Conventional IVF is based in the interaction between the oocytes and the sperm. After the egg retrieval, each oocyte and the set of cells that surround it (granulose cells) will be put in a drop of culture media containing a suspension of sperm at a given concentration. From this interaction a single sperm should penetrate into the egg to fertilize it.

    Limitations of the technique
    Although the technique mimics the natural interaction between the gametes that occurs in the Fallopian tubes, it requires a certain semen concentration due to which not all samples are capable of being used for conventional IVF.
    Likewise, the technique cannot solve the possible problems of interaction between female and male gamete so that the uncertainty about the success of the procedure is generally higher.

  • ICSI Approach

    The Procedure
    ICSI is based in the insertion of a selected sperm into the oocyte, overcoming the limitations that conventional IVF faces with poor semen samples and deficiencies in the interaction between the gametes. Because of this, ICSI has become the most commonly used IVF technique. With the help of an advanced micromanipulation station (including microscope, microinjectors and micropipettes) the sperm has to be individually selected and immobilized. During the microinjection the oocyte has to be held while the sperm is inserted and released inside the inner part of the oocyte. The day after the microinjection the signs of proper fertilization will be checked in each oocyte.

    Who is this for
    The indications of conventional IVF and ICSI are tubal factor, uterine factor, premature ovarian failure, ovulatory dysfunction, endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve and unexplained infertility. ICSI is specially recommended for samples presenting alterations in the semen analysis (mostly in cases of low concentration or motility), situations in which there are a limited number of oocytes available or in cases of previous fertilization failures with conventional IVF. This leads conventional IVF to be usually indicated in good prognosis patients were the quality of both gametes is not an apparent limitation.

Egg donation:
Ovum (egg) donation is a process where the eggs of a healthy young woman (the egg donor) are fertilized with the sperms from the patient's husband and the resulting embryos are then transferred into the patient's uterus. This process not only gives the couple the gift of parenthood but also gives the woman the opportunity to experience the joys of being pregnant.

The Procedure
The process of egg donation starts with the selection of a donor. The candidate will be an anonymous donor who has been approved after a series of medical and genetic screenings. The donor's ovaries are stimulated by a stimulation regimen to produce multiple eggs. The eggs are then retrieved, fertilized and the embryos cultured. The embryos with the highest quality are transferred into the recipient's uterus.


Who is it for

  • Older women who have reduced quality and quantity of eggs
  • Women with reproductive problems such as ovarian failure.
  • Poor response to previous IVF treatments.
  • Women with genetic diseases that they do not want to pass on to the child.

Embryo Adoption (or Donor Embryo Transfer)
Some couples have a severe egg AND sperm factor. If they have been unsuccessful with self-gametes or wish to opt for a donor egg and donor sperm for medical reasons, this can be offered to the couple and is rightly called Embryo adoption or more commonly embryo donation (the latter term is actually a misnomer).
In this procedure, a healthy anonymous donor’s eggs are fertilized with anonymous donor sperm from a sperm bank and one or two of resultant embryos are placed in the intending mother’s womb at an opportune time. This leads to a high pregnancy rate. However, it is essential for the couple to understand, grasp and accept the fact that resultant offspring will not be their genetic child but will be their biological child. It is a pre-requisite that the couples undergo thorough counselling and are mentally ready for this form of treatment.

Sperm Donation
Donated sperm is offered to couples where there is no possibility of retrieving sperms naturally or by a surgical procedure for a man. The donor sperm is used to either inseminate the woman (IUI) or to fertilise her eggs in an IVF process. As is obvious, the couple is counselled together about the implications and process involved in such a treatment.
All donor sperm samples are to be availed from established and registered sperm banks. These sperm samples are from fertile donors that have been screened for viral infections and common genetic disorders. No fresh donors or known donors should ever be used.
The samples are identified by a number code provided by the sperm bank.

IVF - Treatment Tarrifs

Minimum Maximum
IVF / ICSI 266000 3877.22 392000 5713.79
Our Doctor

Dr. Rajan Vaidya

Dr. Rajan. S. Vaidya M.R.C.O.G. (London) and M.D. (Bombay), D.G.O. (Bombay) is an Infertility specialist practicing Infertility treatments since 1991. He has also been appointment as Honorary Infertility Consultant at NOWROSJEE WADIA MATERNITY HOSPITAL in Mumbai