Weight Loss

gastric bypass

Is the oldest bariatric procedure being carried out for last 50-60 years.

Surgery involves creating a small stomach pouch & rerouting the small intestines Rest of the stomach remains functional & is connected to intestine.

The person feels full with a small portion of food and due to associated mal-absorption, part of the food is not absorbed by the body.

This surgery results in hormonal changes which lead to better control of blood sugars in diabetic patients.

  • Surgical Time*: ~2 hours
  • Hospitalization*: 2-3 days
  • Weight loss: ~80% of excess weight

Complications - Besides usual complications associated with a surgery in an obese like infection, wound dehiscence, pulmonary embolism, incisional hernia etc, specific complications include post op bleeding, leak, dumping etc. The possibility of most of these can be reduced substantially with pre-op preparation, careful technique & post-op compliance.

  • Co-morbidity Resolution – ~0.05% (None in our series since 2000).
  • Reflux: >90%
  • Diabetes: ~80%
  • High Cholesterol: ~90%

Special Dietary Requirements – Post op protein requirement is 60-100 gms protein/day. Besides person is expected to consume vitamins, calcium & B12 supplements daily to avoid deficiencies.


  • World’s most researched & accepted procedure
  • Substantial long term weight loss esp. in Banded bypass
  • Complete resolution of reflux & acidity symptoms
  • Significant blood sugar control even in long term diabetics

Sleeve gastrectomy is a procedure that induces weight loss by restricting food intake. The sleeve gastrectomy is an operation in which the left side of the stomach is surgically removed.

This results in a stomach, which is roughly the size and shape of a banana. Since this operation does not involve any “rerouting” or reconnecting of the intestines, it is a simpler operation than the gastric bypass or the duodenal switch.

  • Surgical Time*: ~1 hours
  • Hospitalization*: ~24 – 48 hours

Advantages of the Sleeve Gastrectomy: -

  • It does not require disconnecting or reconnecting the intestines
  • It is a technically simpler operation than the gastric bypass or the duodenal switch
  • It is known to reduce hunger by removal of hunger stimulating hormone producing part of stomach
  • Unlike gastric bypass & gastric band, patients feels full with liquids as well

Special Dietary Requirement -
Higher protein intake, multi vitamin & mineral supplementation prevents any nutritional deficiencies.

Complications -
The reported incidence of complications is at par with other major surgeries performed on obese. These include – Operative Mortality – ~0.2% (None in our series since 2005).

Intra-operative Complications
~1.4% including bleeding, injury & stapler malfunctioning etc.

Early Complications
This includes wound infections, pulmonary embolism, leaks, bleeding & cardio-pulmonary complications etc.

Late Complications
These includes gall stone formation, incisional hernia, rarely intractable vomiting, ulcer, weight regain, metabolic sequelae including iron deficiency, B12, Folate deficiencies etc.

Weight Loss
The average excess weight loss is > ~70% after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Co-morbidity improvement

  • Diabetes: Resolution/Improvement in > ~70%
  • Hyperlipidemia: Resolution in > ~90%
  • Hypertension: Resolution is noticed in > ~75% patients
  • Sleep Apnoea: Resolved in > ~85% patient

Robotic surgery reduces possibility of human error coupled with precision offered by highly evolved technology from Intuitive Surgical. Though the surgical cost increases, the quality assurance should be an important consideration.

Ileal Transposition (surgery for thin/ normal weight diabetics)
Ileal Transposition surgery developed by Dr. Aureo de Paula from Brazil, is performed under clinical trial protocol. It is expected to help glycemic control in selected type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

Ileal Transposition A segment of the last part of the intestine (ileum) is interposed between 2 parts of the small intestine (jejunum) just beyond stomach. No part of the small intestine is removed or bypassed.

Ileal Transposition

Weight Loss
The average excess weight loss is > ~70% after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Proposed Mechanisms of Blood Sugar Control:
Blood glucose control even in patients with severe beta cell impairment. The suggested mechanisms of blood sugar control are

  • Early contact of undigested food (chyle) with interposed segment of ileum results in increased blood levels of GLP-1 hormone levels. GLP-1 is supposed to have the following effect.
  • Blood Glucose control even with severe beta cell impairment
  • Stimulates insulin secretion
  • Exerts proliferative effect on pancreatic beta cells
  • This is believed to result in acute insulin response, which is usually lost in type 2 diabetes. This leads to blood sugar control immediately after a meal.

Post Op recovery:

  • Immediate between 1 & 2 days
  • Most of the patients are in recovery /intensive care between 1 & 2 days due to their medical limitations
  • Most of the patients are allowed to have liquids after 24 hours of surgery
  • Patients are encouraged to walk by evening on day of surgery
  • Delayed
  • Usually patients are sent home on the 5th day after surgery
  • Patients can resume normal work after 2 weeks after discharge from hospital

Long term results :
Ileal Transposition is based on hindgut hypothesis derived from Roux-n-y gastric bypass surgery. Long term follow up data of gastric bypass has shown 80-100% blood sugar and insulin maintenance even after 14 years

Our Doctors

Dr. Manoj Jain


Consultant Gastrointestinal, Laparoscopic & Obesity Surgeon.Founder of Centre for Advanced Laparoscopy & Obesity Surgery (CALOS)

He is one of the best Laparoscopic Surgeons in India when it comes to a Hernia, Gall Bladder, Appendix, Colorectal, Varicose Vein and Obesity Surgery.

Practising surgeon in western suburbs of Mumbai since last 15 years.A teaching faculty in laparoscopic surgery at the prestigious Johnson and Johnson, at Ethicon institute.Associate professor and head of unit at K.B. Bhabha hospital Bandra.He is consultant at many prestigious hospital in Mumbai namely Hinduja hospital khar, Raheja fortis Hosp mahim, criticare hosp andheri, kohinoor hospital kurla, beams hosp khar.