Do's And Dont's

General Guidance on Medical Value Travel to India Arrangement with Hospitals


1.   Choose one or a few facilities which you would like to check out.

2.   See the facilities whose details are provided in this website. Use the web link given, examine the hospital website too for any further information

3.   Contact the hospital and ask for the international patient department. Or drop an email, the contact info can be taken from this site or direct from hospital’s website

4.   Discuss with the executive more about the hospital and get to know the facility, prior experience in handling similar cases

5.   Choose one or a few facilities which you would like to check out.

Reports at pre-admission stage:
  •    Present complaints / ailment, whether any chronic ailment like diabetes, hypertension
  •    Brief or detailed medical history depending on ailment
  •    Prior examination reports from doctors
  •    The doctor who consulted you
  •    Discharge summary if patient underwent a procedure / surgery / hospital admission
  •    Details of medicines taken or taking now
  •    Record of Investigations -Blood tests, CT Scan, Ultra sound, MRI, PET CT, Echo, ECG, Angiogram, histopathology / biopsy reports etc.
  •    Known allergies
  •    Necessary vaccinations, as required, by the authorities
  •    Referral letter from your doctor / specialist

6.   Seek

  •    A telephone or video based consultation with the doctor / specialist
  •    Final medical advice for your condition
  •    The procedures/surgeries to be performed. Key doctors who would consult you
  •    The estimated length of stay (based on pre-admission tests, hospital admission, recovery and post discharge consultations in India)
  •    Cuisines available
  •    Language interpreters availability and costs
  •    Facility for stay for relatives/attendants within hospital. Any arrangement with hotels
  •    Total costs – basis procedural/surgical costs, in-hospital stay for patient and attendant, consumables/implants/medications, consultant charges, all tests, reviews post discharge etc.
  •    Acceptable mode of payment
  •    Acceptance of your health insurance if any
  •    Assistance for medical visa – invitation letter to Indian embassy in your country
  •    Assistance by hospital if provided – for any registration of overseas patient’s, extension of visas
  •    An e-mail or fax confirmation of details


Once you decided on the hospital, they would need the following information for further processing and making arrangements for your visit, consultations and surgery

1.   Contact Details - Patient & Attender/s

  •    Address and Contact Details in home country (Full postal address, landline telephone number,mobile number, e-mail)
  •    Contact Information of attendants or relatives who accompany (Full postal address, landline telephone number, mobile number, e-mail)
  •    Passport and Visa copy – as residential / identify proof and to get travel confirmation

2.   Accommodation Needs

  •    Room category requirement
  •    Languages comfortable, need for a language translator
  •    Diet requirements
  •    Religious needs, if any
  •    Number of accompanying attendants and their accommodation requirements
  •    Interest in sightseeing / travel

3.   Travel and Visa details

  •    For VISA invite letter – Passport No., Name, Passport Issue and Expiry date, Country
  •    Passport and Visa of patient and relatives/attendants

4.   Financial

  •    Details of health insurance confirmation (if applicable) - Guarantee of Payment from insurance firm
  •    Government grant for your treatment if any
  •    Financial arrangements and mode of payment
  •    Credit cards, debit cards and travelers checks for making direct payments
  •    Wire transfer details if transferring money through bank to Hospital account
  •    Bank statement of patient in select cases
  •    Need for currency exchange


1.   Ensure that you carry the required medical records, details of past tests etc.

2.   Arrival - Flight no / date / city: For Airport Transfer and also for appointment scheduling.

3.   Seek contact details and name of staff who would meet you at arrival area

4.   Need for ambulance services, depending on patient condition. Discuss this with your doctor/executive in the hospital.