Medical Visa to India


A medical category visa may be issued with the following conditions:
a. The officials of Indian Embassy at your respective country might scrutinize patient's medical reports and history very carefully to ensure genuineness and bonafide purpose of medical travel before a visa is granted

b. The Embassy might confirm and ensure that the applicant has sought preliminary medical advice from his country of origin/country of residence and he has been advised to go for specialized medical treatment.In case the foreign national desires to go for treatment under the Indian system of Medicines, his case may also be considered.

c. This type of visa should be granted for seeking medical attention only in reputed / recognized specialized hospitals/ treatment centers in the country. Although non-exhaustive, following illustrative list of ailments would be of primary consideration: serious ailments like neurological ; ophthalmic disorders; heart related problems; renal disorders requiring organ transplantations; plastic surgery; joint replacement etc.

The basic idea would be that the Embassy confirms and ensures the need of the foreign national to travel to India for medical treatment/ surgical correction/ health enhancements.

Validity of visa and extension of visa

The initial period for such a visa may be upto a period of one year or the period of treatment whichever less, which can be extended for a further period upto one year be the State Government/ FRROs on the production of medical certificate/ advice from the reputed/ recognized/ specialized hospitals in the country. Any further extension will be granted by the Ministry of Home Affairs only on the recommendations of the State Government/ FRROs supported by appropriate Medical documents. Such visa will be valid for maximum three entries during one year. State Government/ FRROs may permit one additional entry in emergent situation if required.


Foreigners coming on ‘M visa’ will be required to get themselves registered mandatorily well within the period of 14 days of arrival with the concerned FRROs/ FROs